University Rankings

Times Higher Ed. (THES), World University Rankings [12/2023]
key, 2010+:  University rank (score);...
e.g.,  U. Melbourne 52 (63.4);...
Computer Science Education Week,
9-15 December 2024
(1st held Dec. 2009.)
30 June 2024: "The uni rich list: Vice chancellors on $1 million salaries revealed ... [1] Monash U. $1,569,999; ... [Unis] mired in staff underpayment scandals [see below] and redundancy rounds ... VC pay packets became a sign of where each institution sat in the national pecking order. ..." — The Age [26/4/2024]. #academia
16 May 2024: "Group of Eight universities warn they are reliant on international student fees as government looks to cap enrolments ..." — [abc][16/5/24]. #go8
26 April 2024: "Inside the plan that could rein in vice chancellor salaries and overhaul uni boards ... There are two Rio Tinto board members on Monash University's council in Melbourne, for example, and three mining executives at Curtin University, ..." — SMH [26/4/2024].
And, "This vice chancellor's farewell party cost $127,000. Staff not invited want answers ..." — The Age [5/3/2024]. #academia #University
17 December 2023: QS World University Rankings by subject "Computer Science and Information Systems": 1 MIT (94.5); 2 CMU (93.5); ... 5 U. Oxford (89.4); ... 6 U. Cambridge (88.3); ... 56 ANU (73.9); 57 UNSW (73.7); 57 U. Sydney (73.7); ... 65 U. Manchester (72.2); ... 73 Monash U. (70.6); ... — QS [17/12/2023].
Shanghai ;Rangings, "Computer Science and Engineering", 1 MIT (346.1); 2 Stanford (300.9); ... 6 U. Oxford (252.7); ... 15 ETH Zurich (229.8); ... 17 U. Tech. Sydney (225.2); ... 25 U. Sydney (217.1.9); ... 48 Monash U. (198.6); ... — SR [17/12/2023].
THES, World University Rankings 2024 by subject: "Computer Science", U. Oxford 1 (98.9); Stanford U. 2 (96.4); MIT 3 (96.2); CMU 4 (96.0); ... U. Cambridge 7 (94.5); Imperial Coll. 8 (94.4); ... U. Edinburgh 26 (85.2); ... Monash U. 52 (70.2); ... U. Melbourne 55 (69.8); ... U. Mancheter 82 (63.9); ... — THES [17/12/2023].
9 August 2023: "The [Monash] Faculty of IT is in crisis ... All tutorials in FIT have abolished. Instead, the Faculty has moved all small class teaching to what it calls 'applied classes'. ... Teachers are being given half as much time to prepare for classes as they used to. [And] are now being paid just 30 minutes to prepare for a one-hour class. Time for marking has also been slashed. Staff are being directed not to consult with students or to answer their emails. ... Students are also very concerned. ..." — NTEU [9/8/2023]. #Monash #FIT #NTEU
4 August 2023: "Student finance: How much does university cost and does it increase earnings? ..." — [bbc][4/8/2023], #university #costs #salary.
4 May 2023: "University staff strike over insecure work as 'anger and discontent' builds on campus ... Academic and professional staff at Newcastle U., [UNSW], Deakin U., Latrobe U., Melbourne U., Monash U. and Federation U. have already gone on strike this week. ... The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) estimates that only three in 10 jobs across the sector are permanent. ..." — [abc][4/5/2023], #casuals #gigeconomy #academia. (Also see [gig economy].)
2022: 'International student revenue and international rankings success: A case study of Australian university research strategies,' S. Babones, Youth and Globalization, 4(1), pp.56-81, "... many Australian unis. seem to have excessively expanded their international student enrolments as a way to generate the funds needed to compete in the 'rankings game'. Second, many Australian universities seem to have prioritized research in fields that yield higher returns in rankings outcomes. ... provide circumstantial evidence that Go8 universities may have compromised their educational missions in the pursuit of rankings success." — [www][2022]. #Go8, #Australia #University #academia
November 2022: THES, World University Rankings 2023 by subject: "Computer Science", U. Oxford 1 (92.6), MIT 2 (92.4), Stanford 3 (91.8), ... U. Cambridge 6 (89.9), ... Imperial Coll. London =11 (86.8), ... U. Edinburgh 24 (81.5), ... UCL =29 (77.8), ... U. Melbourne 51 (65.6), ... King Abdulaziz U. 56 (64.4), Monash U. 57 (64.2), ... U. Sydney 62 (61.9), ... — THES [21/11/2022].
8 June 2022: QS World University Rankings, 1 MIT, 2 Uni. Cambridge, 3 Stanford, 4 Uni. Oxford, ... 30 ANU, ... 33 Uni. Melbourne, ... 41 Uni. Sydney, ... 45 UNSW, ... 50 Uni. Qld, ... 57 Monash Uni., ... — QS [www][13/6/2022]. And in 'Computer Science and Information Systems', 1 MIT (94.1), 2 Stanford (93.7), 3 CMU (93.1), 4 UC Berkeley (90.3), 5 Uni. Oxford (89), ... 8 Uni. Cambridge (87.6), ... 43 Uni. Melbourne (74.8), ... 51 ANU (73.4), ... 58 UNSW (72.4), ... 60 Uni. Sydney (72.3), ... 66 Uni. Manchester (70.8), ... 68= Uni. Tech. Sydney (70.1), 68= Monash Uni. (70.1), ... — QS [www][13/6/2022].
The covid-19 pandemic (see March 2020) continued to develop through 2021, Australia closing its borders to most travellers for most of the year.
December 2021: Shanghai Ranking's 'Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2021 - Computer Science & Engineering.'
MIT 1 (355.3); Stanford 2 (315.6); ... Tsinghua 6 (263.9); ... U. Oxford 9 (234.2); ... UTSydney 11 (224.6); ... UCL 33 (201.6); ... U. Sydney 38 (196.9); ... U. Adelaide 48 (190.1); ... ANU (51-75) (-); ... UNSW (51-75) (-); ... Deakin U. (76-100) (-); ... Swinburne UT (76-100) (-); ... Monash U (101-150) (-); ...  [www][1/12/2021].
December 2021: THES, World University Rankings 2022 by subject: "Computer Science" U. Oxford 1 (93.1); Stanford U. 2 (92.8); MIT 3 (92.1); U. Cambridge 4 (91.0); ETH Zurich 4 (91.0); ... U. Melbourne 51 (64.9); ... ANU 56 (63.9); ... UNSW 65 (60.0); ... U. Manchester 68 (59.8); ... Monash U. 93 (54.0); ... QUT 151-175 (45.3-46.9); ...  THES [1/12/2021].
19 November 2021: "Staff and union allege ongoing wage theft at Monash Uni ..." — Anna Prytz, The Age [21/11/2021].
19 August 2021: "Aussie universities face further $6b revenue loss Sector may not survive with current funding model. ... could force universities to shed around 50% of non-research staff ... Universities Australia has estimated the sector has lost 17,000 jobs since the start of the [covid-19] pandemic ..." — Bianca Healey, Business Insider Australia [19/8/2021].
May  2021: "Universities are being 'left to bleed' after 2021 federal budget snub, Nobel Laureate ANU head says ..." — ABC [14/5/2021]. That's Brian Schmidt, the VC of ANU and 2011 Nobel Prize winner for Physics.
"Australian universities brace for 'ugly' 2022 after budget cuts. Funding reduced by nearly 10% over three years ..." — the Guardian [13/5/2021].
The Lib/NP Federal Government really has it in for Universities.
December 2020: Shanghai Ranking's 'Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2020 - Computer Science & Engineering.'
MIT 1 (357.4); Stanford 2 (308.1); ... Tsingua U. 7 (257.7); ... UTSydney 13 (222.7); ... UCL 23 (207.8); ... U. Adelaide 40 (193.4); ... ANU 51-75 (-); ... U. Melbourne 76-100 (-); ... Monash U. 101-150 (-); ... U. Manchester 151-200 (-); ... — [www][7/11/2020].
November 2020: THES, World University Rankings 2021 by subject: "Computer Science" U. Oxford 1 (92.9); Stanford U. 2 (91.7); MIT 3 (91.1); ETH Zurich 4 (90.5); U. Cambridge 5 (89.6); ... UNSW 54 (64.0); ... U. Melbourne 64 (60.8); ANU 65 (60.7); ... U. Manchester 85 (58.0); ... QUT 101-125 (49.9-53.2); ... Monash U. 151-175 (45.5-47.5); ... — THES [12/11/2020].
8 September 2020: "Higher education in the UK is morally bankrupt. I'm taking my family and my research millions, and I'm off ..." — Ulf Schmidt, The G. [8/9/2020].
26 August 2020, #metoo: "University of Adelaide vice-chancellor Peter Rathjen sexually harassed colleagues, ICAC finds ..." — abc [26/8/2020]. And it turns out that he was previously investigated for serious sexual misconduct while he was Dean of Science at the University of Melbourne — abc [27/8/2020].
5 August 2020: "University of Melbourne to repay millions to staff after decade-long underpayment practices. Millions of dollars are being quietly repaid to at least 1,500 academics in a 'wage theft' case ..." — the ABC [20/7/2020].   UNSW, Macquarie University, UWA, University of Sydney, UQ, UTS, Murdoch University, RMIT and Monash University were also named — abc [18/8/2020].
20 July 2020: "'Not immune': Universities prepare for more job losses [covid-19] ... about 70% of the research being done in Australia was completed by university staff on fixed-term contracts whose positions were increasingly vulnerable. ..." — The Age [20/7/2020].
11 June 2020: "China cautions students about 'racist incidents' during coronavirus pandemic [covid-19] if they return to Australia ..." — the ABC [11/6/2020].
March 2020: "A novel coronavirus [SARS-CoV-2] started infecting people in Wuhan, China, during December 2019 or perhaps earlier. ..." — [more].  By February or March most countries had placed bans on most international arrivals, and strict limits on people meeting and moving around, in attempts to limit the spread of the 'covid-19' pandemic. Most University and school teaching moved online. Foreign student numbers for semester one fell and were expected to plummet through 2020, 2021 and probably longer.
Some Australian Universities are more exposed to this lo$$ of dollar$ than others, some to the tune of as much as 35% of income, e.g., see 'Overpaid university bosses cry poor as their foreign-student riches evaporate' — Michael West Media [www][18/4/2020].
19 February 2020: "Universities have $12 billion war chest to confront coronavirus crisis. ... The 2017 financials show the Australian National University (ANU) had $946 million in reserve, the University of Sydney had $432 million, UNSW had $933 million, the University of Melbourne had $3.9 billion, Monash University had $1 billion, the University of Queensland had $1.7 billion, the University of Adelaide had $1.3 billion, the University of Western Australia had $48 million, RMIT had $1 billion and UTS had $840 million. ..." — The Age [www][19/2/2020].
3 December 2019: "Australian students behind in maths, reading and science, PISA education study shows ... The 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment [PISA] report, out [3/12/2019] found Australian students sat just slightly above the OECD average in maths literacy – its lowest level since the survey began. ..." — abc [3/12/2019].
2019: Shanghai Ranking's 'Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2019 - Computer Science & Engineering.'
MIT 1 (360.5); Stanford 2 (319.0); ... Tsingua U. 7 (247.3); ... UCL 19 (207.3); ... UTS 29 (201.1); ... U. Adelaide 43 (189.4); ... ANU 46 (184.5); ... U. Melbourne 51-75 (44.6); ... U. Manchester 101-150 (46.0); ... Monash U. 151-200 (42.3); ... — [www][7/11/2019].
October 2019: THES, World University Rankings 2020 by subject: "Computer Science"
U. Oxford 1 (92.1); Stanford U. 2 (91.9); ETH Zurich 3 (91.3); MIT 4 (91.0); U. Cambridge 5 (89.9); ... U. Melbourne =56 (61.8); ... ANU =69 (58.2); ... UNSW =79 (56.6); ... U. Manchester 85 (56.3); QUT =86 (55.4); ... Monash U. 201-250 (40.1-42.9); ... — THES [23/10/2019].
11 September 2019: "Oxford top of global university [overall] rankings ... annual Times Higher Education [THES] world rankings put Cambridge in third place and Imperial College London in tenth ..." — bbc[11/9/2019]. See rankings [2020] rankings [9/2019].
And, "OECD: Australian students' high fees reap low individual returns ..." — THES [10/9/2019].
25 June 2019, uk: "Private school and Oxbridge 'take top jobs' ... The Sutton Trust and Social Mobility Commission ... study, 'Elitist Britain', 24% of MPs who are from Oxbridge ..." — bbc[25/6/2019]. Also see "... Findings reveal a 'pipeline' from independent schools through Oxbridge and into top jobs. ..." The Sutton Trust [6/2019], and 'Elitist Britain 2019' [24/6/2019].
7 June 2019: The Guardian's overall rankings of UK universities, 1. Cambridge (100), 2. St Andrews (97.9), 3. Oxford (97.6), ... They were also ranked 1-2-3 in 'Computer Science & Information Systems'. See The G [7/6/2019].
8 May 2019: "US college scandal: How much difference does going to a top university make? ... Not much, according to research ... [and] it is those from the most deprived backgrounds who stand to gain most but are least able to access places. ..." — bbc[8/5/2019].
8 May 2019: "An annual study by the University of Roehampton [uk] has found that fewer 16-year-olds in England are getting a computing qualification. ... In 2018, 130,000 students got a GCSE in either computer science or ICT (information and communications technology), down from 140,000 the previous year. This year, the ICT exam is not an option. The fall in exam passes follows the phasing out of the ICT GCSE from the national curriculum in England and its replacement by the more challenging computer science. ..." — bbc[8/5/2019].
6 May 2019: "Universities ignoring own English standards to admit more high-paying international student ... Academics have shared stories of foreign students using phone apps to translate university lectures and students in postgraduate IT courses who were unsure how to use a computer or a USB drive. ... recruiting international students has become a valuable source of income for cash-strapped universities. ..." — abc[6/5/2019].
1 May 2019: "... in developing the industries of the future, our universities are going to be essential. China's building and endowing its like crazy. Abbott's [PM 9/2013-9/2015] government, and the conservatives in general, consider our universities not as national wealth but as mere businesses peddling degrees to high-paying foreigners. He sees them not as a great resource for unpredicted progress but as mere degree shops, and through his prime ministership, his policies reflected it, and so does the increasing HECS debt of many Australian families. ..." — Thomas Keneally writing in The Age/SMH [1/5/2019]..
2018: World University Rankings 2019 by subject: "Computer Science"
U. Oxford 1 (92.2); ETH Zurich 2 (90.7); Stanford U. 3 (90.5); U. Cambridge 4 (89.4); ... Imperial Coll. 11 (86.2); ... U. Melbourne 52 (63.4); ... U. Manchester 63 (59.1); ... UTS =74 (56.0); ... ANU 84 (53.9); ... UQ 95 (52.2); ... QUT 101-125 (48.4-51.1); ... UNSW 126-150 (45.7-48.3); ... UWA 176-200 (41.6-42.9); ... Monash U. 301-400 (31.3-36.2); ... — THES [15/12/2018].
21 December 2018 "[Temple] University [US] admitted that its business school submitt[ed] fabricated statistics for years to U.S. News. ..." — Inside Higher Ed [21/12/2018], also see [30/7/2018].
December 2018 "Universities have been hit with a second round of mid-year funding cuts in as many years, after the Coalition moved to slash $328.5 million in research funding in Monday's economic update. ..." — SMH [17/12/2018].
November 2018 "Poor English, few jobs: Are Australian universities using international students as 'cash cows'? ... '[A student] couldn't speak any English and she didn't understand anything that I said' ..." — abc [25/11/2018].
August 2018, .au: Vice-Chancellor pay:
"1. Michael Spence (University of Sydney) ... $1,445,000 ($au)
  2. Glyn Davis (University of Melbourne) ... $1,297,500 ...
  9. Margaret Gardner (Monash University) ... $995,000 ...
  average=$970,739." — SMH [27/8/2018].
2018 Shanghai Ranking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2018 - Computer Science & Engineering. MIT 1 (348.2); Stanford 2 (277.3); ... Tsingua U. 7 (238.2); ... UCL 20 (192.6); ... U. Adelaide 43 (173.1); ... ANU 46 (172.2); UTS 47 (169.8); ... U. Melbourne 76-100 (45.6); ... U. Manchester 101-150 (47.7); ... Monash U. 151-200 (42.2); ... — [www][30/12/2018].
June 2018, uk: "Universities risk losing their credibility due to 'rocketing' grade inflation, a think tank has said. According to Reform, the proportion of firsts awarded almost doubled between 1997-2009 and rose by 26% since 2010. Their report calls for national tests to set degree grade benchmarks meaning only the top 10% of students could be awarded firsts. ... In more than 50 universities the proportion of first class degrees has doubled since 2010 ..." — bbc [21/6/2018].
June 2018: 'QS' World University Rankings 2019 (sic) overall, 1 MIT, 2 Stanford, 3 Harvard, 4 Caltech, 5 U of Oxford, 6 U. of Cambridge, ... 24 ANU, ... 29 U. of Manchester, ... 39 U. of Melbourne, ... 42 U. of Sydney, [14/6/2018].
And, in Computer Science 2018, 1 MIT, 2 Stanford, ... 5 U of Cambridge, ... 7 U of Oxford, ... 14 U of Melbourne, ... 36 U of Sydney, 37 ANU, ... 41 UNSW, ... 51-100 Monash U, [14/6/2018].
May 2018: Center for World University Rankings (CWUR), World University Rankings 2018-2019, 1 Harvard U., 2 Stanford U., 3 MIT, 4 U. of Cambridge, 5 U. of Oxford, ... 44 U. of Manchester, ... 57 U. of Melbourne, ... 71 U. of Sydney, ... 74 U. of Queensland, ... 82 ANU, ... 119 UNSW, ... 124 Monash U., ... 145 UWA, ... — CWUR [29/5/2018].
March 2018: 'Chinese state media has issued a "red alert" advising students not to enrol in Australian universities after a series of public accusations that Canberra was delaying visas for politically motivated reasons. Key points: Chinese state media blames "anti-China rhetoric" in Australia for visa delays Students say they're not "academic spies" and that the situation is ridiculous The Department of Home Affairs says the visa issues not specific to China ... Many Chinese students and scholars have said that their Australian visa applications have been taking "oddly long" since 2015 ... The Global Times, a state-owned Chinese newspaper, recently blamed the "anti-China rhetoric" in Australia for the prolonged visa processing time for Chinese students. ...' — abc [22/3/2018].
February 2018: "Many graduates receive 'paltry returns' for their degrees despite racking up £50,000 in debt, says the [UK] chairman of the Education Select Committee. Robert Halfon will say in a speech on Monday, that between a fifth and a third of graduates take non-graduate jobs, and that any extra returns for having a degree 'vary wildly'. He will also suggest that too many people are studying academic degrees." — bbc [5/2/2018].
2017: World University Rankings 2018 by subject: "Computer Science"
Stanford U. 1 (93.1); MIT 2 (92.2); U. Oxford 3 (92.2); ETH Zurich 4 (91.5); U. Cambridge 5 (91.4); ... Imperial Coll. London 9 (88.0); ... U. Melbourne 39 (67.6); ... U. Manchester 63 (60.8); ... ANU =83 (55.3); ... QUT =98 (53.2); ... U. Sydney 101-125 (49.2-52.7); ... Victoria U. .au 151-175 (44.4-46.5); ... La Trobe .au 251-300 (34.6-38.0); ... Monash U. 251-300 (34.6-38.0); ... — THES [28/11/2017].
December 2017: "Science on the outer ... Malcolm [agile innovator] Turnbull's extensive frontbench reshuffle has seen science left on the outer, with the [science] portfolio shunted from Cabinet and assigned to a junior minister. ... It is only the second time since the 1930s there has not been a minister for science in cabinet ..." -- [abc][21/12/2017].
November 2017: "Academics at RMIT University in Melbourne are calling for Australian universities to institute a blanket ban on sex between faculty members and students. ..." -- [abc][23/11/2017].
October 2017: All current and prospective postgraduate students should read this editorial in [Nature 25/10/2017].
August 2017, Shanghai Global Rankings in Computer Science & Engineering [U. rank (score)]: MIT 1 (357), U. Cal. Berkeley 2 (252), Stanford 3 (244), ... U. of Edinburgh 15 (199), ... U. of Melbourne 31 (161), ... ANU 39 (151), UNSW 40 (151), ... U. of Adelaide 43 (151), U. of Cambridge 44 (149), ... U. Manchester 101-150, Monash U. 101-150, ... -- [www][24/8/2017].
1 August 2017: "More than half of all university students were sexually harassed on at least one occasion last year, a landmark survey by the Human Rights Commission has found. Key points: The report found women experienced harassment and assaults at disproportionately higher rates than men. Almost a third of harassment took place on university grounds or teaching spaces. Residential colleges were also a particular area of concern.
Fifty-one per cent of students were sexually harassed at least once in 2016, the commission found, while one in four students was sexually harassed in a university setting on at least one occasion in 2016. ..." — abc [1/8/2017].
2016 top 100 (new) subject = "Computer Science" Universities:
ETH Zurich 1 (92.9); Cal. Inst. of Tech. 2 (92.4); U. Oxford 3 (92.2); ... Nat. U. Singapore 10 (86.9); ... ANU 40 (70.6); U. Melbourne 42 (69.7); ... U. Manchester 48 (66.3); ... UNSW 51 (63.8); ... QUT 65 (58.0); ... (Monash U. not listed, > 100) — THES [2/11/2016].
And, top 100 "Engineering & Technology" Universities:
Cal. Inst. of Tech. 1 (96.2); Stanford U. 2 (96.0); U. Oxford 3 (94.4); ... U. Cambridge 5 (93.9); ... U. Manchester 37 (69.9); ... Monash U. 45 (66.7); ... UNSW 56 (63.1); ... U. Melbourne 64 (61.3); — THES [2/11/2016].
December 2016: "Singapore has the highest achieving students in international education rankings, with its teenagers coming top in tests in maths, reading and science. The influential Pisa rankings ... [Sci: 2.Japan, 3.Estonia, ... 14.Australia, 15.UK, ...] ..." — bbc [6/12/2016]. Also see Pisa [2/11/2016][7/12/2016].
November 2016: "Australia is losing to Kazakhstan in the latest global education report card. ... The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is conducted every four years and shows local students crashing further down the international leaderboard. Since 2011, it shows Australia plunging from: 18th to 28th on Year 4 mathematics, 12th to 17th for Year 8 maths, 12th to 17th for Year 8 science. Australia is still in 25th place for Year 4 science results. ..." — abc [30/11/2016].
November 2016: "One of the most highly skilled and prestigious professions in Britain, university teaching, is now dominated by zero-hours contracts, temp agencies and other forms of precarious work ... One-year and two-year contracts are an inevitable part of grant-funded research. But these figures show temporary and zero-hours contracts are now widespread among those teaching undergraduates. ..." — The G [17/11/2016].
November 2016: "Australia's scientists say the 'innovation nation' is crumbling with a study revealing more scientists are considering leaving the profession because of limited career prospects. ..." — abc [7/11/2016].
October 2016: "Huge increase in number of graduates 'bad for UK economy.' Mismatch of skills and labour market as university education keeps growing is bad for students and employers, suggests CIPD. ..." — The G. [11/10/2016].
September 2016: The Times Higher Education World university [overall] rankings 2016-17, U. Oxford 1, Cal Tech 2, ... U. Cambridge 4, ... U. Singapore 24, ... U. Melbourne =33, ... U. Hong Kong 43, ... ANU 47, ... U. Manchester 55, ... U. Queensland =60, U. Sydney =60, ... Monash U. 74, ... — THES [27/9/2016].
1 August 2016: "... The Go8 would contend that universities should always be far more than a degree factory ... the 2014 Graduate Destinations Survey released in 2015 shows the proportion of new bachelor degree graduates in full time work is lower now than it was during and immediately after the 1990s recession and the worst they have been since the early 1980s. ... Almost 40% of Australians aged 25-34 now have an undergraduate degree. That was a Government goal for 2025. We are almost there already. ... Another biting issue is that having an undergraduate degree, the ubiquitous BA seems to have been demoted. ... Why are we all so reticent about stating the obvious - that University isn't for everyone. It was never intended for everyone. ..." — Vicki Thomson, Go8 CEO, [pdf] at [1/8/2016]. Also see The Age [1/8/2016].
2015 top 100 "Engineering & Technology" Universities:
Stanford 1 (95.7); ... Cambridge 4 (93.7); ... ETH Zurich 8 (90.2); ... Nanyang Tech. U. Singapore 20 (83.9); ... Peking U. 24 (80.4); ... Manchester U. 35= (70.8) ; ... Monash U. 53 (62.1); ... U. Melbourne 56 (61.3); — publ. [11/11/2015](18/11/2015). Note, Monash's ranking fell, 48 → 53, but by less than other Australian Universities.
2015 "Shangai" Academic Ranking of World Universities in Computer Science: Stanford 1 (100); ... U. Cambridge 23 (55.3); ... U. Oxford 34 (51.4); ... U. Manchester 51-75; ... UNSW 76-100; ... U. Melbourne 101-150; Monash U. 101-150; ... — [2015].
15 July 2015: The HILDA survey [16/7] finds that "... graduates of the prestigious 'Group of 8' [GO8: Adelaide, ANU, Melbourne, Monash, Sydney, UNSW, UQld, UWA] universities do not enjoy the highest incomes ... That privilege belongs to graduates of younger institutions such as La Trobe, Griffith, James Cook, Charles Darwin, Flinders and Murdoch universities banded together under the Innovation Research Universities banner, closely followed by the Australian Technology Network universities. ..." — Financial Review [16/7/2015].
17 April 2015: "Universities embroiled in foreign student 'feeding frenzy' driven by corrupt middlemen. Australian universities are paying more than an estimated $250 million each year to unregulated middlemen for the recruitment of international students ... a number of these agents are corrupt and deal in fraudulent documents. ... Yesterday ICAC released a report entitled Learning the Hard Way, which raises the alarm about the 'soft marking' of international full-fee-paying students. ..." — The ABC [17/4/2015]. See Four Corners, 'Degrees of Deception', ABC TV [20/4/2015].
11 March 2015: THES World Reputation Rankings 1 Harvard U., 2 U. of Cambridge, 3 U. of Oxford, ..., 41 U. of Melbourne, ..., 50 U. of Manchester, 51-60 ANU, U. of Sydney, ..., 81-90 U. of Queensland, ..., 91-100 Monash U. — THES [11/3/2015].
2014 top 100 "Engineering & Technology" Universities:
Cambridge 5 (89.2); Melbourne 37= (62.8); U. Manchester 37= (62.8); U. Queensland 39 (62.7); U. Sydney 46= (60.4); Monash U. 48 (60.2); — publ. [10/2014](17/10/2014).
04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
Monash (Info) Tech rank, 2004-2014
04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
Melbourne (Info) Tech rank, 2004-2014
17 November 2014: "The chancellor of Perth's Murdoch University has revealed some of the charges against senior academic staff ..." — [abc][13/11].
24 October 2014: "Professor Richard Higgott has resigned as Murdoch University Vice-Chancellor" (Murdoch U. [www]) as the "WA Crime and Corruption Commission [CCC] continues its inquiry into his conduct." (Campus Review [www]).
8 October 2014: "Australian cuts rile researchers. Political scorn on top of shrinking funds creates hostility between scientists and Tony Abbott's government. ..." — Nature [www].
17 September 2014: The 2013/2014 'QS' overall world rankings were MIT 1, Cambridge U. =2 & Imperial Coll. London =2, Harvard 4, University Coll. London 5, Stanford U. 6, ..., ANU 25, ..., U. Melbourne 33, ..., U. Queensland 43, ..., UNSW 48, ..., Monash U. 70, — The G., [www], [www][16/9/2014], QS [www][17/9/2014]. And in Computer Science & Inf. Sys., MIT 1, Stanford 2, CMU 3, Cambridge U. 4, ..., U. Melbourne 15, ..., ANU 17, ..., UNSW 29, ..., U. Manchester 37, U. Sydney 38, ..., U. Queensland 39, ..., Monash U. 51-100
30  July 2014, .au: "The vice-chancellor of one of Australia's top-ranked universities [Ian Young of ANU] has delivered a damning assessment of the country's tertiary education system, saying it has 'no truly outstanding universities". ... universities in Australia are largely funded by volume, rather than by quality for both education and research. ..." — [abc][30/7].
2  June 2014, uk: "The University of Cambridge underlines its dominance by coming top of the table for the 4th year in a row and increasing the gap between itself and its ancient rival Oxford, which remains in 2nd place. St Andrews, in 3rd ..." — The G. [www].
13  May 2014, .au, Federal Budget: "... Universities will be able to set their own tuition fees from 2016, which will inevitably allow some course costs to rise. ... also increasing student loan interest rates [which] will be allowed to rise to up to 6%, instead of being set at the the rate of inflation - currently ... 2.9%. And from July 2016, students will have to pay back their loans sooner, with repayments starting when they earn over $50,638 a year. ... Mr Hockey says Australia should aim to have at least one university in the top 20 in the world and more in the top 100. ..." — [abc][14/5].
6  March 2014: "The five Australian universities to make it into the top 100 World Reputation Rankings list have all fallen compared to their rankings last year. ... [survey] conducted by Times Higher Education [THES] ... Monash University fell off the list altogether. ..." — [abc].
World Reputation Rankings: 1 Harvard, ... 4 Cambridge, ... 43 Melbourne U., ... 51-60 Manchester, ... 61-70 ANU, U.Sydney, ... 81-90 U. Qld, ... 91-100 UNSW, ... — THES [6/3/2014].
2013 top 100 "Engineering & Technology" Universities:
Cambridge 6 (88.8); Melbourne 32 (62.9); U. Manchester 37 (61.0); U. Queensland 43 (59.8); Monash U. 49 (58.1); U. Sydney 50 (57.6)
— publ. [3 Oct. 2013](9/10/2013).
2013 "Shangai" Academic Ranking of World Universities in Computer Science: Stanford 1 (100); ... U. Oxford 17 (59.8); ... U. Cambridge 38 (51); ... U. Manchester 51-75; ... U. Melbourne 101-150; Monash U. 101-150; UNSW 101-150 ... -- [2013].
December 2013: In the 'PISA 2012' tests of 15-year old school students, Australia's mean performance was reading =14th, maths 19th, science =16th -- [www]
30 August 2013: "... 'In just one generation [1990-2012, Australian] university class sizes have almost doubled due to chronic underfunding,' [the NTEU] says. 'Now Labor and the Liberals want to cut funding even more ...' -- [abc].
The 2012/2013 'QS' overall world rankings were MIT 1, Cambridge 2, Harvard 3, ... ANU 24, ..., Manchester 32, ..., Melbourne 36, ... [www][8/2013]; & in Computer Science & Inf. Sys. MIT 1, Stanford 2, Oxford 3, CMU 4, Cambridge 5, ..., Melbourne 13, ..., ANU 21, ..., Sydney 24, U.Qld 25, ..., UNSW 29, Manchester 30, ..., Monash 45, ... [www][8/2013].
Jan. 2013: The ERA 2012 National Report, ARC/ERA/2012/Info&Comp (08): 5/5 ANU, >5/5 U. Melbourne, & 4/5 U. Adelaide, 4/5 Monash, 4/5 UNSW, 4/5 U. Qld, 4/5 U. Sydney [arc].
2012 top 50 "Engineering & Technology" Universities:
Cambridge 5 (89.4); Melbourne 25 (74.2); U. Manchester 33 (69.4); U. Queensland 38 (67.2); U. Sydney 46 (64.1)
(2012: Monash University not ranked in the top 50 for Engineering & Technology; see 2011.)
— publ. [14 Oct. 2012](14/10/2012).
(December 2012: "... Australian [school] students fared poorly in international tests. ... students ranked behind students in 26 other nations. ..." -- [abc][12/12/2012].)
(November 2012: "The UK's education system is ranked sixth best in the developed world, according to a global league table published by education firm Pearson. ... 1. Finland, 2. S.Korea, 3. Hong Kong, ... 6. UK, ... 8. NZ(!), ... 10. Canada, ... 13. Australia, ..." -- [bbc][27/11/2012].)
(May 2012: The Guardian Guide to UK universities [www][21/5/2012] ranked Cambridge 1, Oxford 2, LSE 3, ... .)
(2012: The Australian Government opened its 'My University' web site [www][4/2012], including information such as gender ratio, % graduates in full time employment, % graduates in full time study, and course ratings.)
(The 2011/2012 'QS' overall world rankings were Cambridge 1, MIT 2, Yale 3, ... [www]; & in Computer Science MIT 1, Stanford 2, Cambridge 3, ..., Melbourne 19=, ..., Manchester 31, ..., IIT Bombay 50 [www][2012] (Monash not in the top 50).)
2011 top 50 "Engineering & Technology" Universities:
Cambridge 6 (90.6); Melbourne 25 (67.4); U. Manchester 26 (67.1); U. Sydney 40 (63.4); U. Queensland 45 (58.3)
(2011: Monash University not ranked in the top 50 for Engineering & Technology; see 2010.)
— publ. [13 Oct. 2011](25/10/2011).
(2011: "The University of Melbourne has topped a federal government scorecard of the quality of research in Australia's higher-education institutions. [It] is rated above world standard in 82 research fields ... Almost 80% of its research is rated above world standard. Australian National University has the next highest ... 79%, followed by the U. of Queensland, the [UNSW] and the U. of Sydney. Monash is next, with 57% of its research above world standard. ... [from the ARC's] 'Excellence in Research for Australia' report [of .au's] 41 higher-education institutions in 157 fields of research. ..." -- the Age [www][1/2/2011].) Report: [ARC / ERA / 2010 / Info&Comp (5/5 ANU; 4/5 QUT, UniMelb, UNSW & USyd; 3/5 Monash, ...) ][2/2011].
("A slump in the number of international students ... Monash ... has more international students than any other. ... Monash has just approved 359 redundancies to improve its budget forecast for [2011]. ..." -- the ABC [www][15/12/2010].)
2010 top 50 "Engineering & Technology" Universities:
Cambridge 6 (87.8); Melbourne 30 (64.4); U. Sydney 40 (61.6); ANU 44 (60.4)
(2010: Monash University no longer in the top 50 for Engineering & Technology, but Melbourne 36th overall and Monash 178th overall.)
— publ. [23 Sept. 2010] (10/11/2010).
In 2010 the THES "overhauled the methodology" and began to use a "new rankings data provider, Thomson Reuters" -- [thes][2010].
key, to [2009]:
Univ. rank (peer score, cit./paper)
Melbourne 29 (47, 2.6);...
2009 top 50 "Engineering & Information Technology (IT)" Universities:
Cambridge 4 (77, 3.3); Melbourne 29 (47, 2.6); UNSW 33(=) (45, 2.1); U. Manchester 38= (44, 2.6); ANU 42 (42, 2.4); Monash 50(=) (37, 2.1)
— publ. [1 October, 2009] (26/10/2009)
2008 top 50 "Engineering & Information Technology (IT)" Universities:
Cambridge 5 (76, 3.5); UNSW 27 (55, 2.2); Melbourne 28 (54, 2.8); ANU 36(=) (50,2.6); U. Manchester 45 (45, 2.7); Monash 47 (44, 2.1);
— publ. [9 October, 2008] (26/10/2009)
2007 top 50 "Technology" Universities:
Cambridge 5 (76, 3.4); Melbourne 21 (54, 2.9); UNSW 28 (53, 2.5); ANU 39 (46, 2.4); U. Manchester 43 (44, 2.6); Monash 44 (43, 2.0);
— publ. [November 9, 2007] (25/10/2008)
2006 top 100 "Technology" Universities:
Cambridge 6 (82, 2.3); Melbourne 16 (65, 2.2); UNSW 19 (83, 1.6); ANU 24 (58, 1.8); Monash 28 (55, 1.4); U. Manchester & UMIST 41= (49, 2.4);
— publ. [October 13, 2006] (25/10/2008)
2005 top 100 "Technology" Universities:
Cambridge 6 (79, 5.1); UNSW 16 (60, -); Melbourne 18 (60, 4.5); Monash 24 (57, -); ANU 29 (54, -); U. Manchester & UMIST 41 (47, 3.6);
— publ. [October 07, 2005] (25/10/2008)
2004 top 100 "Engineering & Information Technology" Universities:
Cambridge 8 (116, 5.1); Monash 18 (70, 2.54); Melbourne 22 (66, 4.4); UNSW 26 (62, 3.5); ANU 31 (56, 3.8); U. Manchester & UMIST 45 (43, 3.6);
— publ. [October 07, 2005] (25/10/2008)