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SML is a strict (eager) language. It is however possible to implement laziness in new datatypes.

A lazy language such as λ or Haskell can accept a definition such as
nonNegInts = Cons 0 (map (λ n.n+1) nonNegInts)
-- meaning [0, 1, 2, 3, ...]
but a strict language, such as SML, will reject it because the RHS, `Cons...nonNegInts)' must be evaluated before the binding to the LHS is made, that is before nonNegInts is defined.

The following example shows a well-known technique to implement lists having non-strict tails. The tail is computed by a closure (a function : unit -> 't nList). The "by-need" optimisation is included: If the closure is evaluated the result is saved in the cell, and the saved value is used subsequently. This optimisation requires the use of ref types.

exception nListException of string;

datatype 't nList =
  nCell of 't                    (* head strict, not by-need *)
         * ('t nList option ref) (* tail, if eval-ed *)
         * (unit -> 't nList) |  (* closure for tail *)
  nNil;                          (* else empty *)

fun nCons h t = nCell (h, ref NONE, t);

fun nHd (nCell (h, _, _)) = h
  | nHd nNil = raise nListException "nHd nNil";

fun nTl (nCell(_, ref (SOME t), _)) = t (* tail eval-ed, or... *)
  | nTl (nCell(c' as (_, _, t))) =      (* ...not, so... *)
      let val v = t()                   (* ...eval tail and... *)
      in #2(c') := SOME v;              (* ...memo it *)
         (* print " eval "; *) (* trace *)
  | nTl nNil = raise nListException "nTl nNil";

(* -----------------------------------------------------------test-- *)
fun from n =          (* n, n+1, n+2, ...  *)
  let fun f n () = nCons n (f (n+1))
  in f n ()

fun first 0 nl = []  (* : int -> 't nList -> 't list (ordinary list) *)
  | first n nl = nHd nl :: first (n-1) (nTl nl);

(*e.g.*) val ns = from 0;  (* 0, 1, 2, 3, ... *)

first  5 ns;               (* [0, ..., 4] *)
first 10 ns                (* [0, ..., 9] *)

(* (tail-)by-need lists, `nList'     LA, CSSE, Monash .au, 20/6/2005 *)

It is possible to make the head of the list non-strict by the same technique.

If the tracing print is uncommented and the example run, it is seen that 'first 5 ns' causes 5 tails to be evaluated and 'first 10 ns' only causes a further 5 tails to be evaluated.

www #ad:

:: cons
[x1,...] list
[ ] list
@ append
fn =>  &lambda .
: has type

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